Tuesday 24 February 2009

Milk, Spillage and Bullcrap

right, if theres one thing ive learnt, its to eat...ive been doing it since i was born...which begs the question - why do i still pour milk down myself when i take the first spoonful of cereal. its a mystery even deeper than the one where i seem to get covered in water near my crotch area everytime i wash up. scandalous.

ok so i had my meeting today and it was pretty pointless, they took me in, explained whats going to happen and then asked if i had any questions...i knew everything he had to tell me so why doesnt he just crack the smeg on with it; apparently "im better than most in my team" doesnt really work well in redundancy situations, makes me look more a bastard than anything.

fridays meeting is a more in depth approach to why i should stay or not, so i have to sell myself. obviously not in the sense that i use my body for any extra help, because im sure the strangely "guile from street fighter" style spanish haircutted man doesnt really fancy entering my hole to let me keep my job

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